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Mario Gomez Torrente

Mario Gómez Torrente has a degree in philosophy from the University of Barcelona (1990) and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Princeton (1996). He has been a visiting professor or researcher at Princeton, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Groningen, McGill and Paris 1, among other universities .

In philosophy of logic, his work has focused on the foundations of mathematical model theory, especially on the modeling definition of logical consequence and the problem of logical constants. In philosophy of language, he has dealt with, among other topics, the vagueness and sorites paradox, metalinguistic discourse and quotation marks, and topics of reference theory such as the notion of rigidity and the determination of the reference for various expressions. of natural language. In philosophy of mind he has written about the controversy between objectivism and subjectivism about color.

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Mario Gomez Torrente

Presentation summary:

"The logical 'must' and the concept of logical consequence"

I will distinguish between analytical notes on the concept of logical consequence and non-analytical notes that are nevertheless strongly associated with the concept. I will criticize a series of positions that see certain modality notes as analytical notes of the concept, but also positions that see even a purely generalist modality as non-analytically connected with logical consequences. I will present a conception of the concept in which a generalist modality is analytically connected with the concept but the analytical connections with other modalities are conditional or in any case more complex than is usually thought.

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